Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to Paint an Abstract Art

Fun foundation painting.  Work in progress.

Putting in the tiny details.

'Untitled' by Sherie Sloane.  Finished Painting - Detail.
Watercolor on Strathmore Cold Press Paper

Art should be fun.  Remember how fun it was painting in grade school? Laying the colors with our brushes without knowing the 'rules' of color combination, hues, focal point and subject placement.  All the tenets of art that seem to hold many emerging artists from fully expressing themselves.

With dull skies hovering the city in this cold autumn weather, I craved for punches of color on my paper. At the same time, I wanted to create something cheery and bright.  I happened to stumble on my boys' building blocks on my way to the studio in the wee hours this morning.  That was my starting 'block'.

One after the other, I painted squares in random sizes and colors, not thinking about any rules.  It was my time, in my own island of imagination and creativity.  Away (even for a moment) from the rigors of daily routines.  After the paper is filled with squares, I painted some of the squares with darker colors to bring out shapes to represent the subjects that developed in my mind during the process.  The difficult part is when to stop, especially when you're having fun. 

Maybe next time, I'll try circles.  So if you think abstract art is just for serious artists, think again.  You can do art and have fun too.  

'Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.'  
~Pablo Picasso

Feel free to share!  Send a photo if you decide to do this project, I'll be happy to see and share your art here.  Take care.

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