Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Painting Workshop Photos

Here are some photos from last Sunday's art workshop in Millenium Park, Chicago.
Despite of the rain forecast, the painting workshop had a great turnout.

Family Fun Festival Tent in Millenium Park presented by Target.

Mom and son from Europe painting together.

Tourists and Chicago locals paint the Chicago skyline.
More than sixty (adults and kids) participated in the workshop.

The busy budding artists.

Dawson, age 9 paints one of the larger cityscape.

I gave Dawson, age 9 instructions and he did great!

Little artists ages 3, 5, 7 painted away.

Two-year old masterpiece.

A two year old happily shows off her work.

Giving the little artists freedom to express themselves.

Artists from age 1 to 63 came and tried their hands on painting.

Listening to artist's instructions.

Families paint together.

Some families came all the way from Wisconsin, Michigan and Florida
to attend the free painting workshop.

One-hour painting by Katelyn, age 11.

One-hour painting by Emma, age 17.

Leave a comment below if you wish to be notified of future art workshops.  
Huge thanks to Strathmore Artist Papers for providing the art materials.
Thanks to all who came, volunteered and participated.

See you again next time!  And Great Job Everyone!


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