Tuesday, November 23, 2010

DIY Paper Luminaries Tutorial

Finally, here it is!
My long overdue tutorial on how to make your own Paper Luminaries.

plain paper lantern (battery operated, for portability)
colored tissue paper (used ones will do)
round disk template (I used a CD cover)
permanent double sided tape (or glue gun if you prefer).
I like the tape, less messy and safe for little fingers (for little ones).

Step 1:
Using your round disk template, trace and cut circles from the paper tissues.
Short-cut Tip:
Fold the papers together for multiple cut-outs.

Step 2:
Fold each circle in half then glue or tape the middle in the paper lantern randomly.

Step 3:
Keep going until all circles are folded and taped/ glued to the lantern.

 Here, I'm halfway through.

Step 5:
Turn it on (make sure your batteries are new) and admire your luminary.

Step 6:
Make some more!  And have fun. 


  1. really liked your clever thoughts.
    very creative.

  2. I love what you've done and will make some for around my home. I already have some paper lanterns but will embellish them with the pink tissue paper like you did. Beautiful, sugar, just beautiful!!!!

  3. Saw your paper lanterns on Pinterest. Absolutely love them. Thanks so much for sharing.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.