Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pastels and Patience

'Robin's Peach Tree'
Chalk pastel on paper. 9 x 12 inches.

I learned that although my boy enjoys painting with me, you can't expect two year olds to sit down on a 'real' art workshop. Not yet.

During the recent arts fest in our town, I signed him up for a two hour pastel workshop for a mere $8. The first fifteen minutes, he was doing fine. Until he realized that it was more fun to run outside. The 'fifteen minute attention span' won over.

So, there I was. Left with a box of pastels and a black paper scribbled with abstract lines and curves. I felt sad for the teacher, she must have thought my boy didn't found her workshop interesting enough.

I apologized and was relieved to hear she knows exactly how toddlers are. I decided to 'salvage' what was in front of me and this is what I came up with in less than an hour. The only time I could spare before I lose sight of my toddler and my four month old baby (in my sling) wakes up.

I could have left it as is and brought another abstract work to add in our growing collection (and I mean 'growing'). Moms and dads, you know what I mean.

Instead, I took that opportunity to show my boy what patience can bring forth. When he exclaimed, 'Mom! My bird, nice!', I knew it was worth the effort.

- Posted from my iPhone

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