Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Musings

Somebody was up early today to paint with me. I was preparing to start the first painting for my 'Hundred Gardens' Project.

Watching him work on his own space reminded me to enjoy the process with childlike wonder. To occasionally break the rules of art for the sake of pure creativity.

Watching his brushstrokes made me realize once more that we can be who we want to be. In this case, the artists we desire to be. Not defined by the style of art we do, but defining the art we make by who we are.

Just like his painting, others may see it as just another child's doodle. But for him, it's his own 'work of art'. A product of his thought and creative spirit.

- Posted from my iPhone


  1. He surely is following on your footsteps!

  2. Yes, he is. Thanks for stopping by Pili. I'm glad you're enjoying my posts.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.