Friday, April 4, 2008

At the Foot

'At the foot of Mt. Hood'
Plein air painting from Mt. Hood, Oregon.
Watercolor on aquarelle paper, 4 x 6 in, $30.


He found himself at the bottom again. Exasperated from the task of climbing the huge mountain in front of him. To give up is so tempting. To do so means failure, he knew that. To fail without trying will make him less of a man. At least that's how he'll feel about it.

So there he is, at the foot of the mountain. Not sure whether he'll succeed in conquering the heights of it's slopes. One thing he's certain, he'll triumph in every step he make towards his journey.

Besides, a million steps begin at one.

Keep that in mind when you're faced with insurmountable trepidations. Take each day one at a time. It will end soon. Don't keep looking ahead to how much is left for you to endure. Instead, look back and cheer yourself for how far you've gone.

1 comment:

  1. I love this painting "At The Foot Of Mt. Hood". It's gorgeous!


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