Valentine's Day, it comes and goes. And it went quick.
What did you do with it? I wrote my first blog and painted the first painting for my new still life series. I also looked forward to what my husband has in store for me that day. Every year, he always manage to make each one extra memorable.
Extra because he goes further than any man I know to make an already special moment even more memorable.
Our first Valentine date was in front of the Sydney Opera House. We didn't watched a show there, we're both bad when it comes to making reservations. We sat in one of the parks and watch the city skyline lit up.
And what does an artist do in times like those? Paint! He was thrilled. He loves seeing me do what I love the best.
Two days after, a marriage proposal in a disappearing island at the Great Barrier Reef. Early evening, the island is submerged under water and disappears in sight. Wow, that was four years ago today.
Next, a wedding. Let's save that for another story.
Third, a trip to Hawaii while battling the grueling morning sickness. I was on my first trimester. Again, another story. Let's just say, the helicopter ride wasn't at all an 'easy ride'. Morning sickness and a jiggling ride on the air - not a good combo.
Hubby set himself up indeed for higher expectations. I wondered if this year will be a flower and card thing. With our little one constantly grabbing our attention, will we have time to do something special.
An hour massage. That's what he had planned for me that day. Ah, what every new mom needs. Of course, he didn't forgot himself. If a mom needs it, a rookie dad needs it too. So of we go, baby in tow, to the spa. He dropped me first then drove around with our little one checking out properties for sale, while I doze off in the abyss of relaxation.
When my time was up, I took our baby and walked to the nearby Starbucks. Then off to dinner we went. Call it lucky, but we were so fortunate to squeeze in one of the jampacked restaurants. No reservation, did I say we're bad with that? Fifteen minutes wait, the waitress said.
This is where the red rose comes in the story. I looked around while we were waiting and saw couple of ladies, young and not so young, holding single red roses on their hands. The restaurant has two big pails of long stemmed roses in the entranceway for free.
I told myself, no roses from hubby but I got to have a hot date with my two men (I mean, my man and our little man). But I admit, I was secretly hoping I'd get a bud that day. My contemplation was popped up when a little girl walked towards me and handed her rose.
She didn't say a word. Just a smile. Oh, but a lovely smile. I said thanks and she walked back to her mom, little sisters and brother. There it is, my Valentine flower. I regret not asking for her name. I was so taken by her gesture I couldn't think straight. Now, that hit a big score on my big Valentine dates record.
What did I gave hubby, a handmade card with watercolor inscription that said 'I Love You'. And big, big, tight hugs and kisses. Perhaps, when the little one is not too little anymore, I can plan big dates for hubby too.